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In this section you will find the publications we have published or contributed to:
The publications are listed in chronological order for each author.

Hjortspringbådens Laug has its own publishing house: Hjortspringlaugets Forlag.

Guild's own publications

Hjortspringbåden Laug:

The members' folder, from 1991 onwards.

This folder contains all the Guild's documentation and thoughts on the boat's construction and accessories, as described in the following section:
  1. Organisation, laws, board of directors, membership directory, working rules for the groups, external contacts, a large literature reference list with page references and finances
  2. Design and construction
  3. Wood, dimensions and sourcing
  4. Building process
  5. Tools, which ones and how they are made or otherwise obtained
  6. Weapons and equipment
  7. The story of the boat and its time
  8. Test
  9. Exhibition
  10. Modifications
  11. Maintenance
  12. Articles
The articles in the Members' folder can all be viewed here on the website as PDF files (in Danish only).
Valdemar Dreyer

Valdemar Dreyer (1920 - 1995)

Medical doctor
Member of Hjortspringbådens Guild and has primarily worked with literature studies of climate, landscape and weapon finds in the Iron Age as a member of the guild's history group.

Valdemar Dreyer has, together with his wife Ulla, published a book about Nørreskoven on Als in the series Fra Als og Sundeved, Volume 70 in 1992, published by Historisk Samfund for Als og Sundeved. The book includes a review of all the ancient monuments in the forest.

Hvor kom de fra? (Where did they come from?)

Sønderjydsk Månedsskrift, nr. 3/4, s. 37: 1994.
Tanker om Hjortspringfundet og Als i keltisk jernalder.
Tanker om Hjortspringfundet og Als i keltisk jernalder.

Valdemar Dreyer og Birgit Valbjørn:

Tanker om Hjortspringfundet og Als i keltisk jernalder.
(Thoughts on the Hjortspring find and Als in the Celtic Iron Age.)

Hjortspringlaugets Forlag, 5 juni 1999.
ISBN 87-987386-0-7

The book is 80 pages in A5 format and contains:

  • History of the Hjortspring discovery
  • A tale of Germania
  • What's the reason?
  • What?
  • The Alsatian landscape
  • What is the boat made of?
  • Culture gathering. The Celts
  • Who came?
  • Ancient ships. How many were there?
  • From saltwater to freshwater. Iron Age houses
  • Iron Age clothing
  • Postscript
Birgit Valbjørn

Birgit Valbjørn ( - 2003)

Birgit was a member of the history group, where she worked with clothing, as well as the construction group, specialising in making ropes from bast fibres.

Knud Vagn Valbjørn

Knud v. Valbjørn was Hjortspringbådens Guild's first chairman from 1991 to 2004.

Knud has been the driving force in the organisation of the guild's activities.

Knud has been (co-)author of several articles, articles in our newsletters and books, and he has also published a novel: The Mummy in the Atacama Desert (in Chile).
Hjortspringbådens Laug
Sønderjydsk Månedsskrift, nr 3/4, s. 43: 1994.
Hjortspringbådens Laug
Artikel i JyskeVeskysten: 1996-01-08, et 3/4 sides indlæg om Lauget.

(Article in JyskeVeskysten: 1996-01-08, a 3/4 page article about the Guild.)
Hjortspringbådens Laug
Et skib et fællesskab
Artikel i Morgenposten Fyens Stifttidende: 1996-03-06.

(One ship, one community
Article in Morgenposten Fyens Stifttidende: 1996-03-06.)
Hjortspringbådens Laug
Hjortspringbåden rekonstrueres.
Nyhedsbrev fra Roskilde: no. 6, maj 1996.

(The Hjortspring boat is reconstructed.
Newsletter from Roskilde: no. 6, May 1996.)
The Adorant. Annual report 1999
The Adorant.
Annual report 1999

Knud V. Valbjørn

Article on pages 47 - 59:

"Rock Carving Ship Sails Again"
The Hjortspring Boat, Reconstructed
Maritime Warfare in Northern Europe
Maritime Warfare in Northern Europe

Knud V. Valbjørn

Posts in:

Maritime Warfare in Northern Europe
Publications from the national Museeum Studies in Archaeology & History Vol. 6
ISBN 87-89384-88-1

Reconstruction of the Hjortspring Boat.


Reconstruction of the Hjortspring Boat

(Johannes Diederichsen) Knud V. Valbjørn

Knud Vagn Valbjørn

Knud has (co-)authored several articles, articles in our newsletters.

PS. That's Knud on the right.
Hans Peter Rasmussen

Hans Peter Rasmussen (1944 - 2021)

Hans Peter was a member of the construction team, as well as an avid photographer and has documented the progress of the boat's construction.
Jørn Anders Jørgensen

Jørn Anders Jørgensen

Jørn was a member of the board for a long time and was involved in the entire construction of the boat.
Niels Peter Fenger

Niels Peter Fenger (1938 - 2023)

Niels Peter was a member of the board for 29 years and chairman from 2010 - 2017.

Member of the design group and has had the primary responsibility for calculation of:

Strength of structural details, Hydrostatics, Form coefficients for comparison with other boats, Hydrodynamics and Strength and deformation.
Hans Lumbye Hansen

Hans Lumbye-Hansen

Hans has been the chief designer of the boat and has made the drawing basis for the building of the boat using the AutoCad programme on our first computer.
Max Vinner

Max Vinner (1941 - 2013)

Curator at the Viking Ship Museum in Roskilde
Max was responsible for the testing of Tilia.
2000 - 2001.
Konferenceindlæg 1 & 2.
Konferenceindlæg 1 & 2.

Paper 1: Philosophy, Execution and Initial Results

Knud V. ValbjørnHans P. RasmussenJørn A. Jørgensen


Paper 2: Theoretical Performance and initial Test Results

Niels P. FengerHans Lumbye-Hansen

Paper 3: Sailing Tests

Knud V. ValbjørnNiels P. Fenger, Max Vinner

The first two have been presented at:
The 8th International Symposium on Boat and Ship Archaeology. Conference, held at The Polish Maritime Museum in Gdansk, Poland, 23 - 27 September 1997.

They are, together with the other papers, collected in:


Proceedings of the Eight International Symposium on Boat and Ship Archaeology, Gdansk 1997

Edited by Jerzy Litwin

The last by:
The 9th International Symposium on Boat and Ship Archaeology. Conference, held in Venice, Italy, 4 - 8 December, 2000.

The articles here are in English and are an abridged version of the papers presented.

Knud V. Valbjørn

Hvad Haanden former er Aandens Spor
Hjortspringbåden rekonstrueres

(What the hand moulds are the traces of the spirit
The Hjortspring boat is reconstructed)

Hjortspringlaugets Forlag, 5 april, 2003
ISBN 87-987386-1-5
Hvad Haanden Former ...
Hvad Haanden Former ...

The book is 144 pages with over 100 illustrations, most in colour. The figure captions are in Danish, English and German, and there is an English and a German summary.

The book has the following chapters:

  1. An idea is born
  2. Organisation (1991-1992)
  3. Preparation (1992-1993)
  4. The boat building (1994-1999)
  5. The launch (1999)
  6. Calculations
  7. Sailing and testing
  8. Conclusions
  9. Guild knowledge, all yours
  10. Concluding remarks

Some of the articles on the website are taken directly from this book. Where this is the case, it is indicated under the heading Sources at the bottom of the article.

From the sales brochure:

In 1991, the idea of building a full-size replica of the Hjortspring boat was born in Nordals. An association was formed, the Hjortspring Boat Guild, and now the boat, named Tilia Alsie, is a sailing reality.
We have written this book based on the extensive documentation in text and images. It describes the dramatic ten years in which the guild was organised, drawings were extracted from archives and interpreted, the historical background was described, tools were forged, linden wood was hunted all over Europe, woodworking exercises with the tools of the time were carried out, and finally the boat, a replica of the oldest plank boat in Scandinavia, was built. 10,000 man-hours were spent on this. The testing of Tilia Alsie, which took place in collaboration with the National Museum's Naval Archaeological Research Centre, is also described here.

Ole Crumlin-Pedersen & Athena Trakads, editors

A Pre-Roman Iron-age Warship in Context
The Viking Ship Museum, Roskilde, 2003

ISBN 0901-778X
ISBN 87-85180-521
Ships and Boats of the North, Vol. 5: Hjortspring
Ships and Boats of the North, Vol. 5: Hjortspring

The Viking Ship Museum, Roskilde, has published a monograph on the creation of the Hjortrspring Boat in English with summaries in English, Danish and German.

The book has the following chapters:

  1. Excavation
  2. Boat conservation, preservation and display
  3. Building and testing the boat (Tilia Alsie)
  4. The Hjortspring discovery
  5. The Hjortspring Boat and ship depictions in the Bronze and Pre-Roman Iron Age
  6. The Hjortspring boat in a maritime archaeological context

The authors are employees at the National Museum and members of the Hjortspring Boat Guild.

This edition may still be available for purchase by contacting the museum.
The Viking Ship Museum in Roskilde has published 7 volumes in the series Ships and Boat of the North.

Translated from the sales brochure:

Hjortspring - a complete picture of a pre-Roman Iron Age warship. Edited by Ole Crumlin-Pedersen and Athena Trakadas.

This is the 5th volume in the series Ships and Boats of the North, published by the Viking Ship Museum and the National Museum's Marine Archaeological Centre in collaboration with the Hjortspring Boat Guild. Large format (29 x 25 cm), 293 pages, fully illustrated, hardback, CD-ROM included with recordings of construction details, measurements and sailing tests with the replica Tilia Alsie. This monograph is published in the series Ships and Boats of the North, with the aim of illustrating the maritime aspects of early cultures in the North by presenting and analysing important primary finds of ships and boats in the context of contemporary society. The Hjortspring Boat is a particularly good example of the possibilities of studying a prehistoric vessel with its contents as a gateway to understanding the society of which it was a part. This marvellous vessel from around 350 BC is a symbol of prestige, power, perfect craftsmanship and a supreme mastery of shipbuilding in ancient times some 2000 years ago.

Despite the fact that it is more than eighty years since the Hjortspring Boat was excavated, it has not previously been presented and discussed in depth in English. Here, the dramatic history of the original boat is described from its excavation to its current ‘return’ to the exhibition at the National Museum in Copenhagen. The distinctive horns at both ends, with parallels in Bronze Age rock carvings, are discussed along with the key role the vessel occupies in the early history of Nordic shipbuilding.

A full-scale replica named Tilia Alsie was built by the Hjortspring Boat Guild and then tested at sea in collaboration with the National Museum's departments in Copenhagen and Roskilde.
The lessons learnt from the tests have provided important clues to the original use of the boat.

Knud V. Valbjørn

10 år med Tilia til søs

(10 years of Tilia at sea)
Hjortspringlaugets Forlag, 2009
10 år med Tilia til søs.
10 år med Tilia til søs.

The booklet is 12 pages, mostly with illustrations, most of them in colour.

It contains the experiences we have had with Tilia over the past 10 years of sailing and trials.

It is expressed in the following chapters:

  • Overview of sailing events 1999 - 2008
  • Constructive choices:
    • Sheer
    • The horns
    • Rib-frames
  • Material selection:
    • Sewing rope material
    • Sealing material
    • Wood
    • Surface treatment
  • Paddling:
    • Padels
    • Technique
  • Long distance sailing
  • Stability
  • Boarding
  • Steering
  • With sails
  • Back cover

This small print can also be viewed here:

Skjold nr. 35
Skjold nr. 35

The Hjortspring Boat Guild has produced two copies of this book, one for the guild and one for the author.
It is a description of the production of shield no. 35 from the Hjortspring find.
From literature studies to a finished shield with all the considerations made along the way.
Many approaches have no basis in the find.

The book has the following content:

Introduction. The guild's studies of shields

1. Primary source. The Hjortspring find, G. Rosenberg
2. Other sources
3. Drawing basis
4. Woodwork
5. Paintwork
6. Leather cover

The book is not for sale in hard copy, but can be viewed and downloaded here, free of charge, it is 90 pages long.
Ib Stolberg-Rohr

Ib Stolberg-Rohr

Ib has been involved almost from the beginning until now, including the building of Tilia.
He has also been responsible for building this website and all its predecessors.
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