Film footage of Tilia
From the logbook:
Sailing with "Tilia" on 3 July 2004
The company Agaton from Stockholm has been commissioned to make a film about shipbuilding in the Nordic Antiquity and wanted to do some filming, partly in the shipyard and partly during sailing. We were hired for a fee to carry out various sailing trips according to Agaton's wishes on Saturday 03:07 in the morning. A whole crew arrived dressed at 07:00 and at 07:30 (as always) ‘Tilia’ was in the water and we awaited the arrival of the film crew at 8am.
We were ordered to remove glasses, watches and jewellery to look more contemporary. However, this meant that the skipper, in particular, had to feel his way around and sneakily put on glasses before landing, but the photographer could not see this.
Møller-Olsen had to sail them round, and at 08:30 we left the floating bridge after repeating boarding and landing a couple of times.
We sailed almost directly to the headland at Farresdam, where we again made landings and boardings, and this was repeated in the small bay east of Farresdam. We then departed for Mjelsvig, where we again sailed around so that the light fell on us. The photographer then came on board with us and took some close-up shots, and then we turned the bow towards the slipway, where we arrived at 10:30. Half an hour later we started the trip back to the shipyard after the Land Rover.
At 11 o'clock, ‘Tilia’ was home again. This time there were three fairly large cracks in the sideboards, so we had to do a lot of scooping.
By skipper Knud Skov Rasmussen
- Newsletter, August 2004, no. 4.