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Historical background

The purpose of the history group's work was to give the guild an idea of the time of the boat and the find. The equipment group and the blacksmith group had the same purpose. It would have been unsatisfactory for members to simply build a boat without a basic knowledge of the background of the boat. We also imagined that such knowledge would help the design and construction group to make better choices when design doubts arose. Finally, the formation of these groups favoured an increase in the interests of some of the registered members.
The results from the work of these groups would help to publicise the discovery. Although the three groups worked separately, the results of each group became an integral part of the historical background. Therefore, the work, its results and its conclusions are described together.

The groups mentioned are our division of the different tasks. They are described in more detail in:


The description of the Hjortspring find is a summary of our studies of the literature on the find.

  • An overview of this literature can be found here.