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About copyrights

Copying etc.

Articles, photographs, graphics and other published material on the Hjortspringbådens Guild website are the property of the Guild, but are made available for viewing/reading.

You are also welcome to make a copy in digital form, both for private use and for use in publicising Hjortspringbåden and the discovery. Images (and text) must be clearly credited.
We would like to promote awareness of Hjortspringfundet in accordance with our statutes §2.

In addition, the Copyright Act applies, which can be found at the Danish Legal Information Centre.


You are welcome to refer to our website:, but, for your own sake, please do not use deep links. You risk that the article you are referring to is moved or deleted. Instead, use a keyword that you can use on our website.


The text in this article has been translated from Danish to English using the free DeepL translation programme.