The Smithy was inaugurated on 5 October 2002.
Aces and tools were donated by master blacksmith Peter Matthiesen, Holm.

Blacksmith's ace
The forge was built so that we could make replicas of the Hjortspring find's weapons, spears, lances and swords. We have also made replicas of azdes and our beloved ‘Hjortspring iron’.
At the beginning of the guild's existence, we had borrowed a forge at Danebod Højskole in Fynshav.

At some point, the school was closed down and some ‘knife smiths’ became homeless. As some of them were also members of the Hjortspring Boat Guild, it was natural that they all joined the guild.
They brought their own tools, anvils, gas burner, grinder, welder and tempering furnace.
The press shown is built here.
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