Category (en-gb)
This section is all about us.Why and how the Guild came to be.It also covers all the ‘small print’, i.e. statutes, board, minutes, personal data (GDPR) and member communication - newsletters. Purpose Quote from Article 2 of the bylaws: The Hjortspringbådens Guild has the overall goal of promoting information about Hjortspringbåden and its history. Subgoals: Build as accurate a replica as possible of the Hjortspring boat using the craftsmanship techniques and replica tools of the time. The building project must attract as much professional expertise as possible to ensure a faithful replicaIn co-operation with local, regional and national institutions, gather knowledge about the history of the Hjortspring Boat and the shipbuilding of this periodSikre at den byggede kopi af Hjortspringbåden opbevares forsvarligt i nærheden af Hjortspringområdet, at den bliver afprøvet i praksis og dernæst anvendt i udstillingsøjemedConduct educational activities to increase awareness of the history of the Hjortspring boat and the Hjortspring areaTo fulfil the above, we have established a close collaboration with the National Museum in Copenhagen and Roskilde, as well as established a ‘scientific network’ of people with special knowledge of interest to the Guild. Johs. V. Jensen has in the song:How fair smiles the Danish coastin verse 6, interpreted knowledge of and respect for the past as an essential cultural component of society: ...What the hand moulds are the traces of the spirit,With flint the old farmer has carved and fought.Every chip you find in the soil of Denmarkis the soul of those who built the kingdom.Will even you understandThe root of thy being,Estimate the treasures..,they left behind.... Sources Hvad Haanden former er Aandens Spor Language The text in this article has been translated from Danish to English using the free DeepL translation programme.
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The Smithy was inaugurated on 5 October 2002.Aces and tools were donated by master blacksmith Peter Matthiesen, Holm. Blacksmith's ace The forge was built so that we could make replicas of the Hjortspring find's weapons, spears, lances and swords. We have also made replicas of azdes and our beloved ‘Hjortspring iron’.At the beginning of the guild's existence, we had borrowed a forge at Danebod Højskole in Fynshav. Knifesmithing At some point, the school was closed down and some ‘knife smiths’ became homeless. As some of them were also members of the Hjortspring Boat Guild, it was natural that they all joined the guild.They brought their own tools, anvils, gas burner, grinder, welder and tempering furnace.The press shown is built here. Language The text in this article has been translated from Danish to English using the free DeepL translation programme.
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The boat hall is also used as a workshop, so there are often ‘shavings’ on the floor.The boat is also maintained here. Bådens plads Tilia på sin transportvogn. Foto: Ib Stolberg-Rohr Tilia er altid placeret på transportvognen med styrbord side mod en forhøjning så besøgende kan få fuldt udsyn ned i båden. Udstilling Fotoplancher og stævnstykket. Foto: Ib Stolberg-Rohr Plancherne på endevægen viser de forskellige faser i bådens tilblivelse og afprøvning.Billedet for enden af stævnstykkets horn er fra en af Nationalmuseets opstillinger af den originale Hjortspringbåd.Den "halve" båd forrest er en øvelsesudgave i fuld størrelse af et stævnparti. Det har været brugt, sammen med et midterstykke, til udstillinger rundt om, fx. Danmark, Sverige og Tyskland.Armen med roret er en illustration af en hypotese, fremsat af G. Rosenberg [p. 88], for en evt. anvendelse af de fire klamper, der fundet i stævnen af båden.Den mørke aftegning på rorbladet er en illustration af det fundne stykke af et rorblad i forreste del af båden. Der er ligeledes en aftegning, nederst, på den anden side af roret, svarende til det fundne stykke fra den agterste del af båden [p. 86 - 89]. Igangværende projekt Loke. Det skulle have været en udspændt stammebåd, baseret på den svenske Björkebåd. Foto: Ib Stolberg-Rohr Et igangværende projekt: At lave en båd der er nemmere at håndtere end Tilia.Det er en udspændt stammebåd, med Björkebåden fra ca. 400 evt. som model. Den er fundet i Sverige.Den kaldes Loke, fordi den har været så besværlig!Så besværlig, at den aldrig bliver til en båd. Den får en fremtidig tilværelse som havebænk! Vore fejltagelser i dette projekt vil stadig kunne ses.Projektet viser også hvor vigtigt det er at følge vor egen prioriteringsrækkefølge, det blev fraveget her, suk!Den blå væg, bagerst i billedet, er ved at blive indrettet til at vise værktøj og hjælpemidler, der blev brugt ved bygningen af Tilia Den anden ende af værkstedet. Foto: Ib Stolberg-Rohr I den anden ende af værkstedet har vi opstillet et (vikingetids)telt, hvor vi bl.a. viser en model (svensk) af en skindbeklædt helleristningsbåd. Den viser hvorfor det er nødvendigt med horn på denne type af både. Du kan få forklaringen næste gang du besøger os.Langs væggene er der forskellige arbejdspladser, bl.a. en, hvor gæster kan prøve at bruge vores "hjortspringjern", et værktøj fra ca. år. 1, under kyndig vejledning, de er meget skarpe. Kilder Hjortspringfundet
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Lecture theatre and accompanying exhibition Meeting and lecture areaExhibition on clothing in the Early Iron AgeCopies of iron artefacts found in Hjortspring MoseKopier af trægenstande fundet i Hjortspring MoseSales booth Meeting and lecture area Meeting and lecture area Photo: Ib Stolberg-Rohr One half of the room is a meeting area with space for around 50 people.It is possible to show a film as an introduction to the guild's work on making and testing Tilia. This film is available in Danish, English and German.We also have a number of films / television recordings with and about Tilia that can be shown.There are occasional lectures for guild members and guests.In the other half there are tables where various types of handicrafts, literature studies, documentation work are carried out and then of course there can be general socialising with coffee and tea and, in lucky cases, also with cake!There is a small kitchen in a corner of the room. Exhibition Clothing in the Iron Age At the Linde shipyard, members of the Guild have created an exhibition of mannequins dressed in Iron Age costumes. The figures are dressed in imitations of Iron Age costumes, as far as possible from the Celtic Iron Age, otherwise from the first part of the Roman Iron Age.There are literature references to the finds that have formed the basis for the costumes and their details, for possible further elaboration of the subject.There is a detailed description of the individual artefacts on this page. Iron objects We have made copies of the different types of iron artefacts found in Hjortspring Mose.The artefacts found are described in more detail in the section: Parts of the find. Wooden objects The artefacts found are described in more detail in the Parts of the find section. Shop Entrance area with shop. Photo: Ib Stolberg-Rohr Examples of the different handicrafts. Some items can be bought, but not all. Photo: Ib Stolberg-Rohr At the entrance we have a small sales stall where you can buy books, postcards, pearl necklaces, bracelets and various small tools as well as T-shirts and caps with our logo. Language The text in this article has been translated from Danish to English using the free DeepL translation programme.
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The Linde boatyard's layout and facilities The building The Linde boatyard, looking towards the entrance. Photo: Ib Stolberg-Rohr Lecture theatre. Boat hall - workshop, Smithy The lecture theatre Is divided into an area with seating for approximately 50 guests.Films can be shown here as an introduction to our work with the Hjortspring boatLectures are held with the use of modern AV equipmentAn area with an exhibition of replicas of finds from Hjortspring Mose and period textiles.A small sales stall where you can buy books, postcards, T-shirts and caps with the Hjortspring Guild logo.Finally, there is a kitchen and some tables.Adjacent to this room and the boat room, there is a toilet with facilities for the disabled, with plenty of space for both a wheelchair and a carer. Boat hall and workshop In the boathouse areTilia on display together with our test pieces (segments of the boat in 1:1 scale)Pictures and posters describing the building of the boatModels of interpretations of ‘Hjortspring boats’Various tools used in the construction of TiliaA workshop area where we make various accessories and otherwise maintain Tilia The smithy Is an older forge we have received / built.There are two forge heads and 2 anvils, as well as various tools.The forge is used to make copies of the iron artefacts found in Hjortspring Mose.Some of our members make (modern) pattern forged knives, so there is also equipment for this. Language The text in this article has been translated from Danish to English using the free DeepL translation programme.
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