Category (en-gb)
The Member Folder is our documentation of the knowledge we have gained through literature studies, through our network of specialists from museums and universities, studies at the National Museum in Copenhagen and in its department in Brede (conservation). Likewise, the results of experiments, manufacturing of smaller parts from the find were noted in the Member Folder.Initially, each new member was given their own copy of the Membership Directory and subsequently sent updates as they were written. The cost of this was covered by the membership fee. As the postage went up and up, it became too much of a burden on the guild's finances.To ensure that the hard work that has gone into compiling the Membership Folder is not lost, the material is now made available to everyone.The articles in the Members' Folder are from studies of literature, experiments with the necessary woodworking techniques and calculations to understand the boat's properties, as well as reports from the National Museum and our experiments with the properties of the finished boat.There are also articles on modifications to the boat as a result of our experiences, especially where the findings do not provide answers, such as the rudder systems. There are also articles on boat maintenance.As mentioned in Organisation, we divided into a number of working groups (9). One member from each group reported on the results achieved on the first Monday of each month at a members' meeting so that everyone was informed.Translated with (free version) Organisation chart. The documents below are scanned from our physical documents on paper. The originals are of very different designs, a few are handwritten, some on typewriters - they used to exist - most on computer printers. Some in A4 portrait format, others in landscape format.The scan is attempted to be done as an OCR scan (Optical Character Recognition), when successful, it will be possible to search the text and, therefore, there should be a possibility to translate the text into another language with a translator programme, such as DeepL. Attempts will be made to rotate the text so that it can be read in a normal upright sitting position.As the documents are scanned, they are added to the archive and the links are made active.All links open as a PDF document in a new window/tab.Most articles are written in Danish and a few in English. 1. Organisation The sections referring to members' names are not included due to GDPR regulations. However, some documents contain member and contact person names, they cannot be removed for practical reasons.Some of the documents below are dynamic, therefore link directly to the relevant articles on the website and not as a PDF document.1.01Laws and bylaws1.02Board of Directors1.03Member list1.04Rules for working groups1.05Kontaktnet1.06Documentation1.07Bibliography1.08Economy1.09Video and photo1.10Minutes from the first annual general meeting1.11The first organisation chart 2. Ship construction 2.01Work plan for design group2.02Lindebast for ropes, by Hanne La Boube & Ole Magnus, Lejre, 19872.03Experiments with reddening of lime bast2.03.1Production of lime bast af lindebast of bast ropes2. bast rope, part with lime bast2.03.3.1Experiences with the use of lime bast cords in Tilia2.03.3.2 / 11.03Durability of limewood cords2.04A hypothesis regarding the use of stern cleats2.05.1.1Calculations2.05.1.2Metacentre for major heeling2.05.1.3Determining the centre of gravity of a boat with crew2.05.1.4Calculation of shape coefficients2.05.1.5Propulsion resistance and power requirements2.05.2Efficiency when paddling2.06Vikingeskibshallen, exhibition of test piece 1 and 22.07Considerations and expertise regarding plank seals at Hjortsprlngbåden2.08North Swedish ‘Hjortspring boat’?2.09Strength tests with stitched joints2.10Visit to the Linde shipyard by the excavation team from Nydam Mose2.11Reconstruction of the Hjortspring boat - theoretical calculations and preliminary tests 3. Wood for boat 3.01Wood for boat. Task description3.02Summary of current raw wood prices for State Forestry3.03The first lime tree3.04Expedition to Poland to find wood for the Hjortspring Boat Guild3.05Trade contract no P1/170054120/93-00013.06Expedition to Poland. Retrieving wood 1994-01-23 - 01-26 4. Building process 4.01Project specification for building the boat4.02Building the centre section for the Hjortspring Boat4.03Manufacturing of the bow for the Hjortspring Boat4.04.1Building process 29 January - 30 September 19944.04.2Building process 1 October 1994 - 15 May 19954.05Gluing process4.06Safety instructions for chipping4.07Orientation about the tail block4.08Reconstruction of the Hjortspring Boat, basis, execution and some results4.09Resin, tallow, glue 5. Tools 5.01Tasks of the tool group5.02Borremose rod5.03The tool group. Report, version 92-10-305.04Axe and planer in one tool 6. Weapons and gear. In reports 6.02.2 and 6.02.3 are marked in yellow: the information in question has been used in the production of copy of shield #35; described in & 2 are parts of reports from Forsøgscenter Lejre.Ib6.01Describe / produce weapons and equipment6.02.1Visit report. Shields. Brede6.02.2Description and dimensions for shield plates6.02.3Description and measurements for shield bosses6.02.4Shield Reconstruction #35 (Book, 90 pages) 27-98 Skin-covered shields6.02.4.2HAF 01-91 Shooting trials6.02.5Shield Reconstruction #123 (book, 36 pages)6.03.1Visit report. Spearheads and swords6.03.1.1Beskrivelse og mål for sværd og spydspidser6.03.1.2Dimensional sketch for sword #5166.03.1.3Dimensional sketch for spearheads of different types6.03.1.4Spear shafts6.04Forging a spearhead6.05.1Overview of paddles in the Hortspring Find6.05.2Sketches of paddles in the Hortspring Find6.06Remains of the rudders6.06.1The rudder in 2020, see: mm_10.036.07Sketches for turned wooden parts 7. History of the find 7.01(Empty)7.02Iron Age clothing7.02.1The Iron Age family (in our exhibition space)7.02.2Image of the Iron Age family,link to Clothes in the Iron Agen7.03My father took me to the excavation. Visit to Herta Raben Petersen7.04The Iron Age period7.04.1Grave forms - Celtic Iron Age burials7.05About the shields from the Hjortspring find7.06Where did they come from? Ancient skilled ship carpenters 8. Testing 8.01(Empty)8.02Note on achievable speed for kayaks, canoes, racing and exercise boats - in knots8.03Ideas for testing the finished boat8.04Resistance trials8.05Measuring the heart rate of a selected crew member8.06Attempted heeling8.07Initial sailing trials with copy of the Hjortspring boat 9/9 to 11/9 19998.08The kinematics of paddling8.09“Tilia” on a Long Trip - Test sail with the Hjortspring boat 20018.10Measurement carried out in connection with the trial sail on May 11 and 12, 20018.11Adrift 9. Exhibition 8.01Exempla 94, Munich 10. Modifications 10.01Task description10.02The deck on Tilia, history of development10.03Rudder systems on Tilia, trials and ideas 11. Maintenance 11.01Task description11.02Maintenance services, 2018-202111.03 / the center piece 12. Articles 12.01Valdemar Dreyer:Hvor kom de fra?Sønderjydsk Månedskrift, nr. 3/4, s37: 199412.02Knud V. Valbjørn:Hjortspringbådens LaugSønderjydsk Månedskrift, nr. 3/4, s. 43 199412.03Knud V. Valbjørn:Artikel i JyskeVestkysten: 1996-01-08, et ¾ sides indlæg om Lauget12.04Knud V. Valbjørn:Et skib i fællesskabArtikel i Morgenposten Fyens Stifttidende: 1996-03-0612.05Knud V. Valbjørn:Hjortsprinbåden rekonstrueresNyhedsbrev fra Roskilde: no. 6, maj 199612.06Knud V. Valbjørn:"Rock Carving Ship Sails Again", The Hjortspring Boat, ReconstructedAdoranten Årsskrift 1999, p. 47-5912.07Særnummer om HjortspringbådenE GAF, Medlemsblad for Dyvig Bådelaug, juni 1999Videnskabelige artikler12.10Knud V. Valbjørn:Reconstruction of the Hjortspring BoatMaritime Warfare in Norhern Europe. Publications fram the National Museeum Studies in Arhaeology & History, Vol. 6, ISBN 87-89384-88-112.11Per Ethelberg, et al.Bebyggelsen omkring fundstedet for HjortspringbådenMuseum Sønderjylland, Haderslev, 202312.12Flemming Kaul, NationalmuseetNordens ældste båd på ret køl12.13Jørgen Jensen, NationalmuseetSnabelskibet Symposier12.20 & 12.21 are both held at:The 8th International Symposium on Boat and Ship Archaeology.Konference, holdt på: The Polish Maritime Museum in Gdansk, Polen, 23 - 27 september 1997.12.22 is held at:The 9th International Symposium on Boat and Ship Archaeology.Konference, holdt i:Venedig, Italien, 4 - 8 december, 2000.12.20Paper 1:Philosophy, Execution and Initial Results12.21Paper 2:Theoretical Performance and Initial Test Results12.22Paper 3:Sailing TestsAnniversary prints12.30Knud V. Valbjørn:10 år med Tilia til søsHjortspringbådens Laug12.30.1Knud V. Valbjørn:10 år med Tilia til søs, midtersiderHjortspringbådens Laug
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About copyrights Copying etc. Articles, photographs, graphics and other published material on the Hjortspringbådens Guild website are the property of the Guild, but are made available for viewing/reading.You are also welcome to make a copy in digital form, both for private use and for use in publicising Hjortspringbåden and the discovery. Images (and text) must be clearly credited.We would like to promote awareness of Hjortspringfundet in accordance with our statutes §2.In addition, the Copyright Act applies, which can be found at the Danish Legal Information Centre. Links You are welcome to refer to our website:, but, for your own sake, please do not use deep links. You risk that the article you are referring to is moved or deleted. Instead, use a keyword that you can use on our website. Language The text in this article has been translated from Danish to English using the free DeepL translation programme.
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Purpose According to the EU regulation (GDPR), we are obliged to disclose what information we store about the association's members and what data we collect about visitors to the website. Guild registration of members' personal data Hjortspringbådens Guild registers some data about individual members. This is only information that is necessary for the operation of the guild: The following is registered in the accounting system: NameAddressPhone numberEnrolment dateLatest payment of membership fee In the email system's contacts: NameE-mail addressand optionallyPhysical addressPhone numberAbout participation in shifts, if yes: Under what circumstances The website: No member information is published on the website, except for members of the board of directors, but not their private email addressesThe website - - does not generally use cookies, but there are a few that are necessary for secure browsing to work.They are described hereOn the hosting company's server, data is collected for statistics, but not personally identifiable Other information, e.g. social security number, is not registered. The information may only be used for the association's operations, otherwise there must be consent from each individual member.The information must be stored securely so that unauthorised persons cannot read it. They must not be found through a Google search.Any member may, upon request, be informed of what the organisation has registered about them.Upon cancellation, the association must delete everything that has been registered about the member. Sources Frivillighed.dkDatatilsynet:Searched for AssociationsAuthor: Ib Stolberg-Rohr. Language The text in this article has been translated from Danish to English using the free DeepL translation programme.
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